The Mysterious Murder of John P. Wheeler III: Part III – Netflix Reignites Interest via ‘Unsolved Mysteries’

“In such a tumultuous present, examination of the past is a relative luxury.”

“A solider that loves ballet? I just thought how lucky I was. I loved him with all my heart. I really did.” -Katherine Klyce

This December will mark the 10th anniversary of the strange, unsolved murder of John Parsons Wheeler III (Jack to his friends). Wheeler was no ordinary man – his life was as extraordinary as the circumstances surrounding his death.

If you have not read the first two parts of this story we wrote in 2011, you can find them here [Part 1 – Intro] and here [Part 2], but we will attempt to be as complete as possible here, too.

Jack Wheeler was murdered between the hours of 8:42pm on December 30, 2010 and about 4-5:00am on December 31, 2010. The world found out he was dead at 9:56am when his body was seen being dumped from a trash truck at a Cherry Island, Delaware landfill. But this is the end of the story. It starts much earlier.

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Former Special Forces Solider Indicted as Russian Spy

Special forces 'spy' Peter Debbins may have given British secrets to Russia | News | The Sunday Times

A very curious story.

Peter Rafael Dzibinsku Debbins was arrested Friday, August 21 2020 after an indictment [LINK to full indictment] was submitted accusing this ex-Green Beret of spying for Russian Intelligence services over the course of 10+ years. The indictment alleges that he worked with GRU, or , Russia’s version of CIA or military intelligence from 1997 until at least 2011.

Debbins was in college at the University of Minnesota in 1996. He was a member of the colleges ROTC with plans to join the Army after college. He eventually joined in 1998 and became Special Forces in April 2001, graduating in 2003 and being assigned to the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group in 2003.
Oddly enough, it was before any of that happened, in 1996, that Debbins obtained his SECRET clearance – presumably while still in college. It must be noted that college campuses are critical recruiting grounds for the intelligence community. What makes this a true head-scratcher is the fact that between college and Army enlistment, Debbins spends over a year living in Russia, meeting with Russian intelligence services from 1997-1998. He briefly visited Russia again while stationed in South Korea and it was during this time that Russian Intelligence suspected Debbins was an intelligence agent working for the US Government, but either dismissed or ignored that possibility.
After entry into the Army’s Green Beret’s, Debbins would obtain a TOP SECRET clearance with Special Comparmented Information (SCI) – (together TS//SCI), meaning he could access compartmented information that was even more closely-guarded than information classified as TOP SECRET. He would travel back to Russia a few more times over the next few years, each time meeting with Russian “Spys”, one from the GRU. In 2004 he was station in Azerbaijan and the Republic of Georgia, just across the border from Russia – this area of the world is strategically important to energy interests due to it’s location between the Black and Caspian Seas.
Debbins was reprimanded for a “security violation” in late 2004 or early 2005 and removed from his post in Azerbaijan – he also had his security clearance removed. The details of this supposedly grave violation were not included in the indictment.

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Covert Authoritarianism

By: Cygnus
When the adherents to the left and right parties of our nation speak of China, they invariably first discuss their support or disgust for Communism, which, when boiled down, is an economic philosophy. The right often mis-attributes this system with being the sole cause of authoritarianism or totalitarianism without realizing that these ‘isms are are a political or social ideology that are mutually exclusive from Communism. Authoritarian control can exist in any state, Communist and Capitalist; under Democracies or Demagogues alike. What causes this confusion is the degree of Authoritarian control and whether or not the state makes an attempt to mask it’s grip on the people with a “hidden-hand”-style policy, as in the US, or flaunts their grip like a iron-fist to the face of the people, like China.
Herein lies the main difference in the perception of control between China and the US. China makes it’s people know who is in charge, while the US lets it’s citizens believe they are in control. However, with some objective analysis, one can see that the hallmarks of control exist in both states. just to different degrees. One of the reasons that the United States cannot enact the same exact policies as China is due to the need for obfuscation – they must first make policies of control palatable for the people to maintain the veneer of freedom. This is often orchestrated through a Hegelian-like symphony of circumstances where a problem is presented to the people, the people react in an expected way, then a solution is offered up. The predictable results are easily achievable due to a few of the well-known indicators of authoritarian control:

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Suicide Assassin Drones: A New Tradecraft Tool?

By now, most people have heard of the assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. In what might be a first, a world leader was targeted by a explosive-laden drone; in this case, two $8,000 DJI Matrice 600 Pros.  Each carried a payload of 2.2 pounds of C4 plastic explosive.

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This leads to the question: In the future, are more and more assassination attempts on politician leaders, dissidents and whistle-blowers going to be carried out by drone? Has the day of the drone assassination arrived?

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Inconsistencies in the Heroin Narrative


If the major news channels are your only source for news, you would think that all bad things come from the southern United States border.  President Trump’s comments have created a frenzy of anti-Mexican sentiment among a constituency eager to place blame on immigrants, liberals and anyone with a differing opinion.

But is this sentiment accurate?  Is Mexico really responsible for the recently acknowledged Opium Epidemic?  Continue reading

Benjamin Paddock – The Apples Didn’t Fall Far

The mainstream narrative, that alleged Las Vegas mass-shooter Stephen Paddock’s father Benjamin Paddock was a bank robber, isn’t wrong. It’s just incomplete. Other than both Paddocks being criminals in the end, there is really no link between robbing banks and mass shootings.  But do Stephen and his father Benjamin Paddock have more in common? Continue reading

Fervent Statism Captures Low-Intelligence Voters


A person who subscribes completely and wholly to the strict party ideologies of the left and right can often be found on internet forums debating the talking points of their [social] conservative and liberal figureheads in office and in the media.  Often, this willingness to regurgitate the flawed tenets of Republicrats (Republicans & Democrats; one in the same) will result in a vote for the Donald Trumps and Hillary Clintons of the realm. One could say that a well-informed citizen who has spent time poring over the conflicting philosophies only to eventually draw the conclusion that both are wrong (self-serving and not in the interests of the people) will probably find themselves voting 3rd party, if at all.

The reason for this 3rd-party vote varies: from alienation and disillusionment, to poor candidate choices from Republicrats to a stark awareness of the sinister nature of Politics in general; circa 2017.  The common thread throughout these rationales is an informed, intelligent and objective voter base, completely aware that they are no longer represented by their own government.

However fervently Democrats and Republican voters pontificate on social media, many are clearly ‘stuck’ in conditioned patterns of thought, a consequence of decades of declining education and increasing institutionalization.  The ability to ‘think for oneself’ has been diminished slowly over time and this has become apparent in how many of today’s voters (to paraphrase Chomsky) debate each other fiercely within the limited spectrum they are afforded. Perhaps those who posses the awareness to break their mind free from these limitations make up a large percentage of those who expressed their complete rejection of the status-quo via a 3rd-Party vote in 2016.

Could this manifestation of awareness in 3rd party voters be correlated to general intelligence levels in states? The trendline says: kinda.

The data from the above chart was taken from the 2016 Popular Vote Tracker and The Washington Post’s 2015 State Intelligence Study, a combination of state by state IQ, ACT scores, SAT scores and percentage of college graduates compared to the national median (negative scores indicate a negative deviation from national median). 

UN Recognizes Afghan Opium Supplying US Market; US Politicians Silent

After a decade of denial, the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime has finally shown Afghan narcotics trafficking into the United States on their yearly report, the World Drug Report.  As discussed previously on this site, preceding iterations of this report were used by the media to draw the conclusion that all illicit opioids consumed in the US were of Latin American origin. This was patently false. The UN’s own reports have clearly shown that Afghanistan was supplying 90-98% of the world’s opium since 2001 while countries like Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico combine to produce very little opium. Continue reading

Increasing Heroin Supply Becomes Increasingly Evident

Reinforcing a common Monolithik theme, a DEA Agent giving a presentation in Baton Rouge, Louisiana indicates that “black market” opiate pills are leading to Heroin use and death. As previously indicated, the increase in worldwide opium production has fueled the illegal manufacture of counterfeit opioid pills and the large-scale theft and distribution of legally made prescription opiates. As if by design, the utter failure that is the war on drugs has perpetuated a drug that was almost dead. But now, in the immortal words of 1993’s Pulp Fiction anti-hero, Lance “Heroin is coming back in a big fuckin’ way.
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2014 UNODC Afghanistan Opium Survey

By: Cygnus

Each year, the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime releases a report covering opium production around the world and in Afghanistan, the world’s leading producer of illicit Opiates. Opium production within the Afghan borders has been on the rise since 2001, when the United States invaded the country and usurped Taliban control of the state (the Taliban had completely eradicated poppy production in a single year). In 2014, while yield was slightly off-peak, the land area used to grow Afghanistan’s most popular and lucrative crop has never been higher.

Poppy fields presently cover 224,000 hectares of land in the embattled country; equating to over 20% of the total cultivated land area of the country. That’s right – over 1/5 of Afghan farm land is dedicated to providing the rest of the world with opium-derived substances. To put that into perspective, consider that 224,000 hectares is enough poppy fields to fill either Israel or Haiti completely. Or almost the entirety of the smaller Caribbean Islands. New York City (78,550 hectares), one of the most populous cities in the world could be covered almost 3x over with Afghan poppy fields. In fact, New York AND Los Angeles could easily be covered in 2014’s growing area. Poppy fields are so commonplace in Afghanistan, it’s almost impossible to not have seen the pictures (more) (even more) of US Soldiers passing through waist-high Poppy during patrols over the past several years.

Despite the clarity of the UN report, when it comes to US politicians addressing the endless, costly, unjust war on drugs, everyone is seen scratching their heads like the drugs are coming from an enigmatic source in a distant galaxy. It’s clear to just about every informed person on the planet that something fishy is going on in Afghanistan.  The UN report outlines where the opium is grown, who grows it, how much grows, which dates it is harvested and how it leaves the country. Despite this wealth of information, the United States, one of the predominant leaders in the international war(s)-on-ideologies (drugs & terror) has been out-smarted and out-farmed by the simple, tribal peoples of Afghanistan. Poppy fields flourish year after year, with eradication efforts declining significantly (-63% from previous year in 2014). It would seem that Afghan opium (processed into morphine, then heroin or counterfeit prescription pills for foreign markets) is a yet another problem that is not meant to be solved. Annihilating global narcotics trafficking organizations, the markets they serve and the terrorists they fund apparently isn’t a high priority.  The United States would rather wait until billions in drug-profits are transformed into machine guns, bombs, RPGs and convoys of Toyotas (filled with angry, sociopathic maniacs) before they take action. Instead of tearing down fields of Poppies (something the pre-9/11 Taliban was able to accomplish in a single growing season), they send soldiers overseas to fight battles in Iraq and Afghanistan that now need to be re-fought. Narcotics profits have been the single biggest boon to terror organizations and policymakers have yet to figure out that narco-terror is a hydra who’s heads will keep regrowing unless the source of power is destroyed once and for all. Within our government, allegedly exists the top minds in law, policy, and essentially, problem-solving. Yet, when faced with the challenge of international networks of money, drugs and weapons over the past 50 years, they are made to look inept. Meanwhile, the American people look on in horror, mouths agape, wondering…”are they doing this on purpose?”

One only has to look into the history of state-complicity in drug trafficking to answer that question…but for now, look into the UNODC Afghan Opium Survey graphics. The full report is worth a read and available online, here.   Continue reading